A SBBC convida todos os estudantes e jovens cientistas dos países da América Latina para o 3nd SBBC Young Researcher Award.
Inscrições abertas até 31 de março de 2020
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20th IUPAB Congress, 45th Annual SBBf Meeting, and 49th Annual SBBq Meeting,
Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, October 26 – 30, 2020.
Since 2017, the Brazilian Society on Nuclear Biosciences (SBBN) is affiliated to the International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB).
The XIII SBBN Congress will be held in parallel with the 20th International Congress of IUPAB, the 45th Annual Brazilian Biophysical Society (SBBf) Meeting, and the 49th Annual Brazilian Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Society (SBBq) Meeting. All participants may attend these four events paying only one inscription.
The Annual Meetings of SBBf and SBBq are two of the most traditional events within the Brazilian scientific community. They have been the forum of choice for presentations and discussions regarding the state of the art in biologically relevant phenomena, as well as their social benefits. Science policy, integration with other segments of the economy and outreach activities have also been among the main focuses of these events.
The SBBN Congress represents the opportunity for exchanging experiences about our common impacting problems, as Bioethics, animal experimentation and alternative methods, biosafety and radiation protection, drug registration and interactions with regulatory health agencies and research ethics committees, environmental biological effects of human activities and sciences education. Themes that actually have developed at isolated way may be integrated. The current frontiers in Biological Sciences demand an interface among disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics to achieve new paradigms on applied ionizing and non-ionizing radiation as well as nanobiotechnologies, seeking for Individualized Medicine.